International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms

Volume 07, Issue 01, June 2014


Paper #       Paper Title/ Authors

1.          Investigation of Shear Strength Parameters of Highwall Rock Slopes and Overburden Dump Mass in Opencast Coal Mines
Somesh Sengupta, Sachin Sharma and Dr. Indrajit Roy

                        Abstract Download Complete Paper

2.          An Experimentation Work on Sn-ZnO using Sol-gel and Characterization using XRD and AFM Patterns
Anand Jaiswal, Rajesh Kumar Malik, Rajesh Khanna and Ajay Kumar Jaiswal

                        Abstract Download Complete Paper

3.          Deposition and Characterization of ZnO Thin Film using Sol-Gel Spin Coating Approach
Suraksha, Rajesh Kumar Malik and Rajesh Khanna

                        Abstract Download Complete Paper

International Journal of Engineering, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences Paradigms